
Welcome to Cleveland County Schools!  Let's get your student enrolled today.


Let's get your student enrolled for the NEW UPCOMING school year (2024-2025)Click here to enroll!

Inscribamos a su estudiante para el NUEVO PROXIMO año escolar (2024-2025). ¡Haz clic aquí para inscribirte!



The online enrollment process will ask you for a scan or photo of the following items.  However, you can enroll without providing them immediately, but you'll need to drop these by your school of enrollment.

  • Student's Birth Certificate
  • Three Proofs of Residence (Ex: Most current utility bills, lease agreement, rental receipt, home ownership proof, etc.)
  • Immunization Records


Click here to apply for preschool with Cleveland County Schools!

¡Haga clic aquí para solicitar ingreso a preescolar con las Escuelas del Condado de Cleveland!