Bullying, Cyberbullying, and Sexting Information
We remain committed to ensuring students are safe at school, home, and in the community. As you know, our lives and culture are surrounded by technology that brings about a variety of opportunities and challenges. At Cleveland County Schools, we have taken a stand to protect our children by educating students about the dangers of improper use of technology and social media.
To make certain all electronic devices used within the school day provide safe, but innovative learning experiences for students, we will continue to train our staff members on how to properly implement such technologies without interfering with the security and virtuosity of our schools. However, schools cannot do this alone. This requires a great deal of energy from all stakeholders to ensure the learning environment remains safe. It is vital that we work cooperatively to ensure students understand the magnitude of acts such as cyberbullying and sexting, and know the long-term impact each can have on
those involved, especially minors.
Join us in helping to make sure your child refrains from participating in such acts of inappropriate use of devices or social media. Learn more about how to get involved in monitoring devices to help keep your family safe and secure by protecting them against potential vulnerabilities.
Thank you for your attention to this critical area as we work together to continue our advancements in education by making sure student learning and safety are the top priorities.
Dr. Stephen Fisher
Superintendent, Cleveland County Schools