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Health and Immunization Requirements

Within thirty (30) calendar days of their first enrollment date, all students must show evidence of vaccination against diseases per North Carolina G.S. 130A-152.

A student's parents or guardians must provide proof of immunizations within 30 calendar days from the first day of attendance. This must be done in the form of an official document from a licensed healthcare provider or health department clinician. If, following approved medical practice, the administration of a vaccine requires more than 30 calendar days to complete, upon certification of this fact by a physician, and/or the Health Department, additional days may be allowed in order to obtain the required immunization. Additionally, all students entering a North Carolina Public School for the first time must complete a Health Assessment Transmittal Form within thirty (30) calendar days.

At the end of the 30 calendar days or extended period, if the required immunizations have not been obtained as well as the Health Assessment Transmittal Form, school principals are required to refuse admittance to any child whose parent or guardian does not present the necessary documentation.

Exceptions to these requirements are made only for students enrolling under the McKinney-Vento Act, for bona fide religious reasons or in the case of immunizations, for medical reasons approved by a physician.
