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Request for Property Bids

On August 12, 2024, the Board voted to declare Parcel 36930 surplus property and offer it to the County Commissioners. On Tuesday, September 17, 2024, the Commissioners voted that they did not want the house. CCS staff and the Operations Committee recommended that the Board vote to put the property up for sale. If approved for sale by the Board of Education on Monday, October 14, 2024, the following procedures will be in effect for the sale of the house.

Initial offers will be received by Rob McDaniel, CFO for Cleveland County Schools, up to 4:00 PM on Thursday, October 31, 2024. Initial offers are confidential and should be submitted in a sealed envelope. The highest bid will be recommended to the Board of Education for approval on Monday, November 4, 2024. Board will consider and may make a resolution accepting the highest offer and also authorizing the upset bid procedure to begin. The highest bidder must deposit 5% of the bid amount with the CFO while an upset bid procedure takes place.

If approved, a 10-day upset bid process will begin on Tuesday, November 4, 2024. A new 10-day upset period will begin with each new bid. Qualifying upset bids must be an amount at least 10% of the first $1,000 of the original offer and 5% of the remainder. Bidders must submit qualifying upset bids within 10 days after the date of advertisement and be accompanied by a 5% bid bond or deposit. If a qualifying upset bid is received, then a new 10-day advertisement and upset bid process will be repeated until no additional qualifying upset bid is received. After this, the Board may choose to award the property to the highest bidder or reject all bids.

Questions about the bid process can be directed to Rob McDaniel or Leigha Sink at the contact information below.


Rob McDaniel - CCS CFO or 704-476-8048


Leigha Sink - CCS Board Attorney